Let me start with the rules (copy/pasted)
Main Points
The venue: "Bloodmore" Act1 Normal
Change of equipment: Is allowed if all items are in stash and game wont be left
Playing mode: "Best of 7"
Bans: precasts (especially prebo & preshout), shrines, wells, potions, any impact on monsters, consciously effected breaks during the duel,
leaving the field (Bloodmore), the use of throwing weapons, foreign skills and auras, the use of the skills leap and leap attack
The Duelling Event:
Start of the duel: its mutually obligatory for both paries to start every duel with "go"
Gaining a victory: is only possible though a death or a walk over the opposite pary (the duel ends in a tie if both parties are dying during a duel - n party gains a point for such situations)
Restrictions of the gear:
Damage reduce: max 45%
Run: max 100% (from items/charms - skill like increased speed do not count)
Life Replenish: max 25 repl. in all equipped combinations of items (bo-slot too)
Open wounds: max 10%
Poison damage: max 200 (from all items and charms)
Not allowed pre-and suffixes on items: Knockback, Slower Target & Amp
Banned Items:
All known dupe/bugged/hacked items/charms (322s bear, bb, bt, zb bf/ark, d2c rares)
Actively used runewords / items without zod or selfrepair
All ladder only runewords (grief, forti etc.)
Hellfire-Torch is allowed
BvB will be played in Walk-Mode only. Desynch isnt allowed!
All items must be visible for the opponent (means no str bug!
The setup i have is one the most people use, but i've seen some interesting variations and i'm interested to see what this section would think to be the "optimal" setup.
I use:
5bo visio circ with base life, 200+ defense
enigma ap
ss 40/9
botd ba
upped gores
rare belt with str/life
angelic combo
This gives me the max allowed OW along with 43dr, 7,3k life and decent damage (5,2k WW without poison).
What i've seen other people use:
stat rings / raven + highlord instead of angelics
visio circ / arreats
prudence AP (no SA because that would mean a lot of str invested because str bug isnt allowed)
IK gloves
verdungo's belt 10% or ber'd ss
Some thoughts:
-IK gloves + boots? Gives AR + decent stats compared to steels / gores (OW Belt to make up for loss of gore and use ber'd ss if you decide for prudence over enigma)
-Death Cleaver socketed "Eth"? Would the cth make up for the loss of stats from BotD and help vs 35K+ defense characters?
-Fool's weapon with at least 420max damage?
I'm interested to see what your thoughts on this are.
Dizzy|||The extra Eth-rune isn't really going to do squat for pvp imho. Also a non-ethereal Death Cleaver would be lower damage then ebotd. Or can you not use it...?
Banned Items:
All known dupe/bugged/hacked items/charms (322s bear, bb, bt, zb bf/ark, d2c rares)
Actively used runewords / items without zod or selfrepair
All ladder only runewords (grief, forti etc.)
And um WOW, interesting rule set - what realm(s)?|||Eurobaba tourny ^^|||Quote:
The extra Eth-rune isn't really going to do squat for pvp imho. Also a non-ethereal Death Cleaver would be lower damage then ebotd. Or can you not use it...?
Banned Items:
All known dupe/bugged/hacked items/charms (322s bear, bb, bt, zb bf/ark, d2c rares)
Actively used runewords / items without zod or selfrepair
All ladder only runewords (grief, forti etc.)
And um WOW, interesting rule set - what realm(s)?
Death cleaver would be lower initial damage but with a high chance to double. I was thinking about the eth rune because it should make it easier to hit high defense opponents (correct me if i'm wrong and eth doesn't work that way in pvp).
Eurobaba tourny ^^

http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=301690 (second page)
I like to use this thread for damage comparisons. The damage multipliers will be different given you armor choices, but it shouldn't matter for overall comparisons. DS is considered here and you can just ignore the OW bonus.
I usually prefer the best damage option, but being that it's kinda close i'd have to vote for the ebotd. Can you not use an ebotd? or a zodded EDC? I was wondering that before since I didn't understand that rule 100%|||Quote:
http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...d.php?t=301690 (second page)
I like to use this thread for damage comparisons. The damage multipliers will be different given you armor choices, but it shouldn't matter for overall comparisons. DS is considered here and you can just ignore the OW bonus.
I usually prefer the best damage option, but being that it's kinda close i'd have to vote for the ebotd. Can you not use an ebotd? or a zodded EDC? I was wondering that before since I didn't understand that rule 100%
Things that are zodded and / or indestructible by default are allowed. Zodbugged items are not allowed

So we are allowed to use edc and ebotd.
I checked the link but i cannot really draw a conclusion from it as he uses all different item combinations from what i'd be using due to the regulations.|||ah cool you can use either.
the multipliers will be different depending on gear yeah. but, for simple comparisons, it's easy to see what gives more damage, you just wont see how much more exactly. truth is if you didnt use forti (which you can't), you just wouldn't use that multiplier but the greater damage item would still be greater anyway- know what i mean?
like if i multiply 2A x 10 and 3A x 10, we dont have a final answer except 3A> 2A anyway.|||Quote:
ah cool you can use either.
the multipliers will be different depending on gear yeah. but, for simple comparisons, it's easy to see what gives more damage, you just wont see how much more exactly. truth is if you didnt use forti (which you can't), you just wouldn't use that multiplier but the greater damage item would still be greater anyway- know what i mean?
like if i multiply 2A x 10 and 3A x 10, we dont have a final answer except 3A> 2A anyway.
True, but it's not really damage only that counts for me.
As mentioned Death Cleaver socketed Eth gives a nice advantage to hit high def barbs along with high deadly strike. A good fool's blade would give a similar advantage over botd but with slighly lower damage.
I'm still undecided

i'd guess some godly eth/repair 2sox 450ed or 300ed/fools weapon. i'd be tempted to put Eth/Eth or Eth/Lo in the fools and try a Highlords/2xraven setup?
otherwise a zod etheral death cleaver or an eth regular death cleaver.
-%target def is GODLY in BvB. it only operates at 50% in pvp, so pile it on and knock down opponent def really fast. since Grief is banned, it opens up a LOT of options, although the stupid OW rule then strikes most of them out (up'd e-razors edge?)
if it's allowed and if you can get one (good luck) perhaps an 08 Arreats (huge +max/level and -% terget def/hit).
sure is a hell of a lot of rules for a bvb tourney.|||Quote:
wow, banning ladder runewords makes it interesting.
i'd guess some godly eth/repair 2sox 450ed or 300ed/fools weapon. i'd be tempted to put Eth/Eth or Eth/Lo in the fools and try a Highlords/2xraven setup?
otherwise a zod etheral death cleaver or an eth regular death cleaver.
-%target def is GODLY in BvB. it only operates at 50% in pvp, so pile it on and knock down opponent def really fast. since Grief is banned, it opens up a LOT of options, although the stupid OW rule then strikes most of them out (up'd e-razors edge?)
if it's allowed and if you can get one (good luck) perhaps an 08 Arreats (huge +max/level and -% terget def/hit).
sure is a hell of a lot of rules for a bvb tourney.
Razor's would have been an interesting choice indeed but if there wasnt a cap on OW there would be many more interesting options too (Fury!)
08 Arreat's is allowed but it would take my entire budget to acquire a legit one, so i'm thinking i'll keep my decent visio for now

What is your take on what should be sufficient AR? I've been duelling some and i find people with relatively low AR (10-15k) hit me more often than people with 23k+. Is it true that there is somewhat of a grey area in which more or less ar doesn't mean that much?
For now the main things i'm considering are Death Cleaver socketed Eth or Lo to compare with my botd, meanwhile i'm trying to get hold of a 420max Fool's blade to make some more interesting options available.
On another note, why 2x raven? Wouldn't the stat benefits of 1x raven +1x stat ring outweigh the extra ar the other raven grants?
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