I've got two gimmershreds and I'm reading up that the WW barb might be the best way to go for me. Is there a way to make a hybrid dual thrower/WW Barb with two gimmers? How would you place the skills?
Playing with the skill tree:
1 in each skill to put:
5 in War Cry
1 in mace and axe mastery
1 in Stamina, Speed, Iron Skin, Nat Res
20 WW + prereqs
20 Double Swing
20 Frenzy
At level 71 with 28 points left.
What do you think, and what would you do?|||I'm sure it's workable for general PvM. Gimmy's are nice weapons but fail to hit the best WW breakpoints. If possible, I would be looking at twin Lacerators.|||Quote:
I've got two gimmershreds and I'm reading up that the WW barb might be the best way to go for me. Is there a way to make a hybrid dual thrower/WW Barb with two gimmers? How would you place the skills?
I was curious so I tested this build. I respected my barb.
20 WW
~15 axe mastery (you need this while ww)
~15 throwing mastery
~20 BO
~15 double swing
1 double throw
+ those prereqs and 1 point wonders
I just cleared once river+chaos and travincal. No problems at all. Not fastest killer but not bad at all.
Against mana burners double throw was nice.
I used demon limb (echant charges) so Ar was around 11k for both ww and double throw.
Arreat (ench +dex +str resist jool)
+2 barb 8mana leech 35 light resist amu
IK gloves+boots
2 x Raven
Razortail belt
~200 dex, 2.8k life
Best thrower hybrid (IMO) that I have tried.
2x Warshrikes (best throwing weapon, less repairing than with gimmershred)
2x Fleshripper (no mastery, but you can still do uberTristram with these, so they are good enough for bosses) Double swing with these.
With those items, you can|||Dunno about the new torches but with the old torches with 3 fpa it is freakin impossible to play with shrikes, even the novas lag a ton already|||Prally a stupid question, but do throwing barbs (like the one with daggers above) do well in pvp against casters? Or are they just good at killing guys in melee pvp. I dont duel alot and thus am looking for a cool class to play as.|||Hell yes they do, its called the brawler build(actually a throw/bvc hybrid), and its a monster in pvp.|||Best way to pvp with something like this is to use good rare hyperion javelins (I actually wrote a guide for the Jav Barb way back in .09 that's still in the compendium, if quite a bit out of date). They have better damage, ww range, and throwing range than throwing axes. They also hit the first ww breakpoint with no IAS. If you come across some high ED rares with IAS and eth/replenish, you will be tough for anyone to beat. Unfortunately, they are nearly impossible to find--I've been trying to find some to trade for ever since I came back.
P.S. If anybody has Javs like this on West I'd be more than happy to overpay for them

I've already got both gimmers so I'm kind of myopic about the weapons...

A further question:
How does the axe mastery and throwing weapon mastery apply to Gimmers?|||Axe mastery applies in melee; throw works when throwing.
Axe mastery applies in melee; throw works when throwing.
So I've got two masteries to do. Great.

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