20 BO
20 WW
20 Spear Mastery
12-18 Item Find (enough to get 50% with +skills)
10-15 Nat. Resistances
1 all prereq.
Is that viable? Anyone have any advice? A better skill/ ideal gear line-up (gear within some reason, like not EBotD) ?|||Sundan should be upg'd after you pass the clvl req for it (it's upg'd counterpart that is.)
Otherwise, you look all set. Don't forget to bring a towe.... I mean a raven!|||So you think Item Find is good for MF'ing or finding gold and then gambling? I've never used it before.|||Item find is always good to use.
(It means extra kills for you

With any kid of +skills, you get seriously diminishing returns for NR at those levels. I would think you might be better off with points in shout. Same thing with find item. The absolute least you should have--even in SP is +7 with BC and 2x+3 WC weapons on switch. That gives you 39% with 1 point invested. With no other + skills that 10 extra skill points for only 11% increase in FI. Also, if you want to play untwinked, I'd keep my eye out for a 4os Eth Sword or Axe and think about resepecing and making Oath (Shael, Pul, Mal,Lum). You'll do a LOT more damage even with a shield.
Well, I suppose with Find Item, I'm going for having MF weapon/shield on or +%gold for gambling when I am hoarking corpses.
How does oath compare to grief? My idea starting out was to make a spear-barb for the look of it and concept. I guess if I end up finding something better or can make something better I might switch along the way, but we'll have to see. I don't have any runes for either of those besides shael.|||I see you point about find item, but in HC I think I'd personally still opt for more survival-oriented skills. I've never put more than 1 point in find item even on an SC barb. It all comes down to trade-offs. I used to use a spear barb for MF a looooong time ago. He worked fine, but he had a BOTD. The only reason I suggested Oath is that the runes aren't that hard to come by with countess runs and such and Hone Sundan isn't much of a weapon for quick killing in hell. Grief blows Oath away, but it should seeing that it calls for a Lo.
I see you point about find item, but in HC I think I'd personally still opt for more survival-oriented skills. I've never put more than 1 point in find item even on an SC barb. It all comes down to trade-offs. I used to use a spear barb for MF a looooong time ago. He worked fine, but he had a BOTD. The only reason I suggested Oath is that the runes aren't that hard to come by with countess runs and such and Hone Sundan isn't much of a weapon for quick killing in hell. Grief blows Oath away, but it should seeing that it calls for a Lo.
So you think I should invest points in shout and then if I feel comfortable, respec later to get item find once I start doing runs? I think though, I'm going to try mfing in NM for a while until I get decent gear before I go into hell, bc I'm not starting with a full setup. I mean I'm definitely being helped out on a few very important things, but I don't think I'm anywhere near hell-ready like you said. It's gonna take a good bit of work in NM first - like it should. You think points in shout are worth it? So far I'm at lvl 28, 5 in BO, 3 in spear mastery, 1 each in speed/stamina/iron skin, 1 shout and 1 prereqs. 1 in all combat prereq's up to WW which I haven't been able to use yet obviously. I have 2 points saved up for natural resist and I was going to use my izual points for nat resist too. I wasn't going to put anymore into Find Item for a long time if ever (depending on what gear I get), max WW first, then finish BO, then spear mastery, and some nat. resist.|||I never played too much Hardcore, but even in softcore I usually get ww so it's positive damage then max BO first. Also, if you ave having mana/leech issues, maxing mastery first lets you boost damage without boosting mana costs, and boosts damage of stand-in skills like conc. As for shout, I'd pump it last.
JEB90|||Hmmm.. now I'm lvl 45 and I've been pumping spear mastery like you said, and I've been using concentrate instead of whirlwind because I don't have any mana leech yet.. I like concentrate a lot. Like, A LOT. It just feels so much safer than WW because I can stop my attack and run if I need to. It also does a lot more damage.. What do you think about Concentrate? I was given the whole IK set today by a very generous gentleman on here (grisu), so I may just go Conc/IK barb until I can find better stuff? I'm not sure. I'm definitely going to keep on the Hone Sundan until I find something better and I may respec and put points in concentrate instead of WW after mastery (altho I already got ww above -dmg so.. I've already put like 7-8 in it).
Also, aren't crushing blow and deadly strike the same things? What is it exactly that they do? Take away 1/8 of total monster HP when they hit? Is that 1/8 of full hp or 1/8 of hp left at the time? Or is that even what happens?
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