Stone Crusher or Schaefer's (preferably eth-Zod) with Horizon's or Stormlash as primary weapon above boots will make for an epic setup, but Grief/Grief or Grief/Death will outdamage it (probably by a lot). The CB and ctc Static should narrow the gap a bit and it's certainly something worth trying, if only for the style points :>|||I was thinking about the same thing earlier. Are scepters mace mastery items for a barb? It is a blunt item, but not sure if it works like that.
Anyway, if the mace mastery adds to scepter dmg, then you could make a Beast

I was thinking about the same thing earlier. Are scepters mace mastery items for a barb? It is a blunt item, but not sure if it works like that.
Anything that spawns with 50% Damage to Undead innately will work with Mace Mastery.

Like hubb says, no one plays mace-based Frenzy because 'Grief' is limited to sword/axe. Stormlash/'Oath' Scourge/'Beast' Caduceus/'Fury' anything as your primary and Zoded ethereal Stone Crusher/Schaefer's Hammer/'Eternity' Scourge/Schaefer's Hammer as your secondary and you could get some nice numbers too.|||Twin Heaven's Lights rocks faces. Hands down, my favorite Barbarian for running all over the game and smashing things to pieces with little thought on tactics, just hold down LMB and watch him tear through hordes.
No dupewords required.

Now, if you have funds, trade for two Stormlashes. I haven't tried it, but the numbers don't look bad and you should utterly demolish anything.
I've never tried the "Black" build and haven't read of anyone else's attempts at it. Maybe I'll give that a go. Seems like a cheapo build that even I can put together on the ladder!
The best part is the sound. Maces sound badass when they smash stuff. Swords and axes only make that dull woosh sound with a wet squish at the end.
/rave for Frenzy Barbs with Maces|||I wouldn't use maces unless you want to use horizons/aldurs weap until you get good berserker axe combo for frenzy|||Famine Legendary Mallet Runeword as offhand would be an excellent combo with Beast Caduceus Runeword mainhand.
Hammers look best out of all weapons imo if your after style points.|||Theyre a top choice, unfortunately many bruthas, and white guys also aint seen the glory of maces yet. You get 2 of them big schaefers or stormlashes, and monsters dying very fast.
It is all about the recent boost really. When you could proudly say before the patch, when using that stormlash, that you were holding the best plausibly legit weapon in the game, then it aint no more the case.
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